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Our Guided Tours


We do our best to get as many spaces for buggies as we can on our tours - however there is always a limit.   Sometimes some venues do not allow buggies at all on the tours, we will always make this clear and try our best to get storage space for any buggies. 


Our Lunches


We do our best to arrange our lunches at venues where there is enough space to bring a buggy - to be able to enjoy some of the top restaurants in London this is not always possible and we will make clear when there are any limitations.


Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on how the tours or lunches work.

Event suitable for a non-mobile baby

Event suitable for an active toddler 

You can book a space to take the buggy with you to the event

You can book a babywearing space e.g. wrap, Baby Bjorn, Ergobaby etc

Event at a Museum/Stately Home 

Lunch Event - either in private dining room or private area 

Wine Tasting Event

Outdoor Event 

What do the symbols mean?

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